Our next destination is Mikage Hospital which is in Mikage-cho 3rd Ward this is an area on the World Map. There are a few optional things you can do in the school like talking to people to learn more about the plot etc. You'll very quickly notice that you're in first person when exploring this "dungeon" which is a bit abnormal for RPGs, it really shows its age from this one feature. Hermelin - the fictional school that this game takes place in/around. When you're done in this room exit and you'll find yourself inside St. Treasures will only appear in rooms like this where you get a top down view of your character.Īs for the second thing I want to draw your attention to - see the purple tree in the back of this room? This is an Agastya Tree which will allow you to save your game when you interact with it.

When exploring dungeons you'll never find treasures in first person view. You'll find item boxes that look like this throughout the start of the game but they'll change over time to look different.

There are two things I would like to draw your attention to inside the Infirmary, the box in front of my character is an item box. For now, let's start in the same place our game begins which is inside the Infirmary in St.

I will talk more about the differences in these two routes and how to start the Snow Queen Quest later on in this guide when we get to that point in the story. Those of you playing on the Playstation 1 will be disappointed to hear that the Snow Queen Quest was cut out of the game during that localization. However, there is a second route which is commonly called the Snow Queen Quest which you can also do if you're playing the PSP remaster of this game. Most players will end up doing the SEBEC Route because the game funnels you directly into this route. If this is your first time playing Persona 1 then I feel obligated to explain a bit about how this game works, a few hours into this game it will branch off into two distinct paths each with their own stories and cast of characters. This page here covers the introduction portion of Persona 1 everything up to the point where the game branches off into two different paths will be covered on this page.